That's us on the roof of Galeries Lafayettes. We spent today with Kristen helping her locate a dress for her bachelorette party and her rehearsal dinner.
She had already picked out a beautiful dress for the rehearsal dinner, but wanted our opinion. Isabella helped her find a lovely beaded bolero jacket to go over it. And then, she found something spectacular...
A Missoni-print dress for the bachelorette party. We don't know if it was truly Missoni or just inspired-by, but it was lovely. Mostly reds and oranges with some purple in the chevron stripe they are known for, it looked perfect on Kristen.
Isabella managed to find a shirt that fit her like a mini dress in the Women's department and I got a tank with some ladies embroidered on it. Overall, a good haul, on second markdown for some of the items.
From there, we decided to take a look at Fauchon and were tempted to go to La Maison du Truffes for a truffle themed luncheon, but the heat and the lack of Isabella-friendly food (not to mention the cost) sent us back down to the Metro. We headed back home to the Marais, and found another Italian restaurant.
Pizza for Isabella, pasta with amatriciana tomato sauce for me and a salad for Kristen. Isabella tasted the pasta with tomato sauce! And, she liked it enough to have several bites and declared that she will now eat tomato sauce. A banner day for food diversity.
After lunch, we found another second hand store and bought some more scarves. Oh, if we had more time to sort through all the items in those shops!
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