Thursday, July 8, 2010


Remember how I mentioned that you have to pay for publice toilets here?
We found the top-of-the-line of pay toilets in the mall below the Louvre (which happens to be at a central Metro station for the past few days' adventures). It's called PointWC.
It costs 1euro for each person (yes, this includes strollers or toddlers who need their parents help). There are about 3 attendants on duty at any given time. One takes your money, the next holds the line and the other one is busy wiping down each stall after each use.
These stalls are like no other. The toilets and all the fixtures are for sale. It's like going to a Kohler showroom and being able to test-drive the toilets and sinks. There is mood lighting in each stall, and they are impeccably clean. And, a Dyson hand drier extraordinaire is situated just behind the bank of custom sinks.
I'd say it's well worth our money for the fanciest toilets in Paris!

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