Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Today was our first foray onto the Metro. It went well, the first three trips, and a little bumpy the fourth trip.
We used it to get to and from Montmartre and it felt totally like the NY subway sysytem. Isabella was a little hesitant at first but got more comfortable as the day went on.
The fourth trip was a little tough. We went out to the end of the line of one of the trains to visit with a French couple we had met. The landmark my friend gave me was the KFC (yes, really, that KFC). This gave me an idea of the kind of neighborhood we were heading to.
Not really dangerous, but not glamorous at all. When dinner was finished, I opted for us to take the Metro home. It was still light out, you know, 10:30 for sunset here. Isabella was scared by the lack of people, then by too many people, then by the cockroach she saw. In reality, we were fine.
When we got off to transfer, the train we needed to take (just one stop) had been put out of service and everyone was being directed out of the station. I knew where we were, which street to find, etc. We traveled with the crowd, found the Gap (yes, that Gap) on Rue de Rivoli and made our way back to the Bear Bar (may not be the name, but it's those Bears ala SF).
Isabella has asked not to take the Metro at night again, but I think she will come around.

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